Gold panning with the pros

Our strength is our individuality! We plan your stage on your personal needs; family outing, specialized course or a 2-day-action-course with wandering through the creeks, feel free to contact us, and you will get an unbelievable course with us.

Washing gold in Switzerland is becoming more popular day by day. The mood for nature and adventure, shiny jewellery, the up and downs of the gold course, gold washing documentaries on TV…. gold is a theme which was always present for the humans, and is it still. Switzerland, as the „water castle of Europe“ offers for you several auriferous creeks, which suits for panning for gold as a hobby or pleasure activity. Many of the Swiss creeks and rivers always has minimal value of gold in them, gold dust or gold slivers. A bit of experience, with our equipment, and everybody is able to take a souvenir with him.

Making fire

From the technique by drilling with wood, further to stone ad iron, working with several wood species, manufacturing, construction of a hearth, using magnesium rod, matches, Swedish fire steel, we will learn you all tricks to make fire!

Nothing changed the human being as well as the knowing about making fire. Lets discover the ancient knowledge by new! Learn with us a familiar and safe handling with fire. Created by natural materials, and learn to dominate it.

Come with us on a trip to the dawn of civilization, learn about different woods, plants, mushrooms, stones, which will help you also without modern tool to reach warmth and light. On your next barbecue you’ll make fire with stone and iron, we’ll show you how.

Adventure course „making fire“ is a good combination with the course „washing gold“.

Melting metal

Create your own sculpture; we’ll show you how. One- or two day courses will allow you to learn all necessary about this old hand craft.

Using coal and a self-built melting oven, you can melt several metals and testing your own melting forms for creating unique works of art, as the Celtic helvetians also did. Various casting techniques as stove casting, lost wax casting, chill casting, or molding boxes. There will be so many ways to create fabulous, pendants, bracelets, buckles….

Strong air supply will help to get such a hot heat to melt tin, copper, brass, bronze, silver and gold in a crucible.